I really love baking and creating fun and delicious desserts and I really enjoy making neat creations for my kids. This week I signed up to bring cookies for my three-year-old son’s Thanksgiving feast at school. I was excited because I had several ideas from Pinterest (duh!), including Turkey Sugar Cookies, Pilgrim Hat Cookies, and the winner – Oreo Turkey Cookies.
Sara, from Our Best Bites, made it really easy for me and laid out a great tutorial on how to make these super cute cookies! The items you need are:
- Double Stuff Oreo Cookies
- Candy Corn
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- Whoppers
- Chocolate Frosting (I used the squeeze tube)
- Yellow Decorator Icing Tube (Squeeze tube again)
- Sprinkles
First of all, don’t be tempted to eat that broken Oreo you find in the package. You will need it to make all the turkey cookies. Unless there are two broken Oreo’s – then feel free to eat them both! There were 30 cookies in my package of Oreos, so that equals 15 completed cookies. Take an Oreo and squeeze and line of chocolate frosting into the opening about 1-1/2 inches (or so) long. This is the glue to help hold the candy corns.
Wedge five candy corn candies into the chocolate frosting in the Oreo. It is probably best to go ahead and do the chocolate frosting and candy corn for all the cookies now – that would be 15 Oreos (unless you ate some…).
Put a dollop of chocolate frosting on the opposite edge of the Oreo from where you put the candy corn. Attach this cookie to another Oreo for a base. It is helpful to sit the cookies next to the wall as they are drying.
Unwrap the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. For some reason, I had a big problem with this and the inner wrapper kept pulling off parts of the chocolate coating. Those particular Peanut Butter Cups did not pass Quality Control and had to go into the waste disposal system (me). Cut one edge of the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup as shown below. Use a sharp knife and this will be easy!
“Glue” the large portion of the Peanut Butter Cup onto the turkey back and base with chocolate frosting. I put a dollop of frosting on the cut side and the down-facing side of the Peanut Butter Cup. The small pieces cut off the Peanut Butter Cups go into the waste disposal system.
Next attach a Whopper in front of the Peanut Butter Cup (towards the Candy Corn) with chocolate frosting. Again, I put a little glob on the two edges touching Peanut Butter Cup and Oreo cookie.
While the cookies are drying, cut the white tip off 15 pieces of Candy Corn for beaks. Attach the white tips onto the Whoppers with yellow decorator icing. I made mine a little low, basically sitting against the Peanut Butter Cup. Sara at Our Best Bites (http://www.ourbestbites.com/2010/11/oreo-turkeys-and-cookie-pilgrim-hats/ put them a little higher and had room to add a red wattle under the beak. Also add yellow dots for eyes with sprinkle eyeballs (if desired). The tutorial I followed used black eyeballs, but I only had mulit-colored (no black), so I used mainly blue with a few purple and green. After the cookies dry, flip them right side up and add feet in yellow decorator icing. You can also add the red wattle, although I didn’t have room for mine except one.
I love the way my Oreo Turkey Cookies turned out and my son is really excited to take them for his Thanksgiving feast later this week!
Source: Our Best Bites (http://www.ourbestbites.com/2010/11/oreo-turkeys-and-cookie-pilgrim-hats/)